Thursday, March 12, 2009

Artist 4: Charles Long

The Amorphous Body Study Center

With this project Long, is trying to promote a better understanding between the body and the mind. Our culture has become "an information -based state" and has and the body's active role in culture has become less important. We have less physical contact because we communicate over electronics such as the computer.

Long created an installation study room for people to physically come together and "communication is redirected towards the physical." The room is filled with several amorphous sculptures, each of which is surrounded by seats. Headphones are connected to the sculptures so people can sit together and listen to music and they can work on and develop some of the sculptures as they listen. All of the music was created by the British pop group Stereolab.

Source: Gallery 9

When we communicate and listen to music on the internet we are connected to other people in a virtual network. We never see the bodies of these people and we aren't even aware sometimes that we are connected to others. Chances are that when you are listening to a song on iTunes or a video on YouTube someone else is also listening to or seeing the same thing. We are connected by what we hear or see. Long takes these connections and puts them in the physical world. In his amorphous study room people are connected by the headphone wires that connect to the sculptures. The sculptures are symbols for the sites that connect us on the internet. In this physical space people can see and physically interact with others who they are connected to and the body is given back its active role.

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