Thursday, March 12, 2009

Artist 3: GH Hovagimyan

Love Songs From my Computer (2003 TAM Digital Media Commissions)

This web-based sound art is composed of several quicktime movies, each of which repeats one of the following words: love, hello, dream, feel, happy, sell, want. They can be played one at a time, two at a time, or even all of them at the same time to create either simple music or a confusing jumble of sounds.

Hovagimyan says "The synth voices can do things human singers can't like sing the same word very rapidly for a long period of time without taking a breath and without making a mistake.We recognize the form of singing but with Love Songs from My Computer the form becomes something else, it's not in the pop song milieu. It's an art work."

Source: The Alternative Museum website

Assembled Cinema (2005) - Project in development

"You walk into a room and a film/video is projected on a wall. The scenes played are not in any particular order yet they make sense. What occurs is that a computer is picking sequences in a random order and playing them. Your mind and your imagination fill in the story."

This project is still in development, so there are no photos of it, but I find the idea of it very interesting. The viewer has to make sense of the pictures even though they are random. The computer makes the sequence so the story has no order, but the viewer may think the story was created by a person and so has some important meaning or message.


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